Check your knowledge of being a Canadian citizen. 

On this quiz I had done it three times each with different questions and some the same. My results were: trial 1 65%, trial 2 65%, and trial 3 70%. That's horrible, I'll admit I don't know anything beyond what I've been taught in History class. I know, I know that' s pretty bad. And that's why I had scored that low.

These questions could help us build on our knowledge of our Canadian ways, it could also open the door of curiosity. Wanting to learn more and build on that one thing.

This test is hugely of great value to immigrants wanting to come to Canada they can test their knowledge and learn more and make it more easy for them to get into Canada. Plus its better for Canadian citizens who don't know much...like me. When you get the answer wrong it'll show up at the when your done and tell you what is the right answer and then if you still don't understand theirs always the research

Julian (JHSS)
5/5/2013 10:41:46 pm

A great blog, watch for simple grammatical errors. Overall a good look into how we as Canadians barely truly know our own heritage. Thus making us seem like shallow uneducated folk. When we really aren't. Great blog though! Good job!

Naomi Ramcharan
5/6/2013 03:50:36 am

hey thanks for the feed back! Will take them into consideration.

5/13/2013 03:01:19 am

Good job Naomi


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