TEDx Youth @ Waterloo was interesting. Some talks were very inspiring and some were like not taken to that depth as it should've.

One talk I found that got down into depth was Richard McLean's talk because he didn't only talk about his life experiences but he related it to how others like him were treated when they were homeless and treated bad.

Another talk I found interesting was Caustan DeRiggs, I think that's his name. I liked how he was funny and rapped was pretty cool, but it wasn't that deep.
The talk had also made me remember that I had seen Syd Vanderpool before! He was speaking at my old school I think it was in grade 4 or 5 but I don't quite remember.

The little girl Maddie she was cute and she knew her stuff but maybe the others weren't prepared for her because she had  to tell her assistant who was helping her when to click and change the papers, but I do give her credit for going up there and talking to 450+ people. WHEN I WAS NINE, I WAS REALLY SHY!

A talk that I didn't like was the singer Simone she sounded like she was stoned and hers wasn't really deep it was like she was rambling on and on and then finally sang another song.

The spoken word poet was cool Holly Painter because I thought her poem was good putting together those two topics and really making them go well together, that's showed how much creativity she has. Hats off to her!
All in all the TEDx Youth Waterloo talk was OK not great and not terrible, all it could've been in a bigger place I felt it was a bit to small for all those people. Hopefully next will be better and bigger, if I do get the chance to go.
What does coming home mean? Everyone could have different opinions on this one topic, two simple words creating such a huge topic. You might think what's so important about these words, well just think about because something simple can be so complex. My opinion on coming home is someone returning after a long time and sharing the happiness of returning with their family.

Even I've had that feeling when I go to New York after 4 months it feels like I'm going home because I have my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins there. Even though its not my actually home they make it feel like home with all the warmth they give every time I go. Plus all my cousins there are younger than me so that just makes it even more fun.

Everyone has a different view on coming home. But that was my experience with coming home maybe yours are different like going to another part of the earth and visiting your love ones. Or just going back to your home land and remembering all those memories. Coming home .
The theme for the TED talk that I'll be going to is chasing home. That could be many ideas considering it's a very vague topic. In my opinion, the theme chasing home is your at a point in life where you want to go back home but for some reason you keep getting farther and farther away, so you keep chasing to get back. I actually like this theme because it's making me think a lot about two words that seemed simple, but have more complex meanings and lead many different ideas. Plus it gives you a picture in your head of the theme. I think when I come out of that TED talk I'll be not a new person but I'll have a more to think about and feel free to share my ideas.
Year 1 of our simulated country called Zugzwang. It has been quite a learning experience to be honest, and kind of confusing.  But eventually I got the hang of it. Boy has it been a hectic year! Starting from elections to the auction to the court to the town hall and etc. My favourite part of the year was the court observing the very "persuating" points. Seriously speaking there were some very good points that had been said. Plus it gave me an idea of what the real court is like. Another part I liked was the auction that was very competitive. Everyone wanting a hex and the prices going up and up. It was fun really fun and funny to. Uhm, it wasn't a perfect year considering we had 34 deaths. But it was learning experience and hopefully year 2 will be e
Most of us are insecure. Wouldn't you say? But who is to blame, the media, other people. Our minds. The way we think, the way we take in all the media has to offer us whether it's the super skinny models, or the product ads. It's true that the media is targeting us every day but, why do we let it get to us? I'm guessing it's because the way we think we should be. BUT wrong we should be who we want to be. NOT what the media portrays us as what we should be. I believe we've been made to be original not like everyone else. Have you ever heard the line "God made us a certain way" well we are whether we're sized different or have different interests/likes, because if we are all the same wouldn't life be boring. I know I'd be bored. We shouldn't be insecure because we are each unique none of us are the same unless there's twins then they'd look the same. But that's pretty cool if you lost your twin you'd be like "I'm looking for someone who looks like me" Think how you want to. Do what you want. Believe what you want to. Break free and live. Don't be all tight just, let loose and have FUN!
    Go ask Alice is a book about a teenager under the influence of drugs and addiction. But its not just that its about who she meets and the stories of the people she meets. She tells her stories in diary format so you read a whole bunch of journal entries that describe the way she lives her days. Some days are not dated and they have question marks meaning that either shes high and doesn't know the dates or has been gone for a while and lost track. In the book she gets introduce in a whole bunch of drugs like all you can think of. Then when she gets high she does certain "things" like really explicit things and then remembers them after. In the book, she does say that she will quit but when your addicted your addicted and then she somehow gets back to it. Now I'm at the part where she has left home the second time, she's as sick as ever and met a priest that has called her parents to come and get her.
    I think this book is great for teens because it really makes sense about drugs and if you do it what are the consequences but its a book where you can maybe relate in some way and maybe not but Ireccommend you read it. If your into the who reality genre.
Do you have that one thing that you are excited about, that you think you could pursue as a career choice? Ambition. That burning aspire to do what makes you feel accomplished. We all have it, I know I do but if you think about most of us are afraid of doing it because what if people laugh and makes fun, I think they call it self conscienous. We all are I guess thats just how we are always think of what others would think. But really the only one that should care would be YOU!  Because you do what you love to do. I mean I was scared to dance but then I realized that would have never been not scared if I hadn't just done it (by done it I mean I performed for the Christmas assembly.) If I had not done it then I would still be scared to. But when I did I realized I had fun and people really enjoyed it. So I guess it goes to show that we need to believe in ourselves and in what we do meaning having that self esteem.