Check your knowledge of being a Canadian citizen. 

On this quiz I had done it three times each with different questions and some the same. My results were: trial 1 65%, trial 2 65%, and trial 3 70%. That's horrible, I'll admit I don't know anything beyond what I've been taught in History class. I know, I know that' s pretty bad. And that's why I had scored that low.

These questions could help us build on our knowledge of our Canadian ways, it could also open the door of curiosity. Wanting to learn more and build on that one thing.

This test is hugely of great value to immigrants wanting to come to Canada they can test their knowledge and learn more and make it more easy for them to get into Canada. Plus its better for Canadian citizens who don't know much...like me. When you get the answer wrong it'll show up at the when your done and tell you what is the right answer and then if you still don't understand theirs always the research

The video about how graduates aren't find jobs because of less work experience and competing with people of higher experience. But first of all how do they expect graduates having experience when they haven't even gotten a job?

What I got from this video is that jobs are getting harder to get without experience. The way to solve it is if you have hands on learning because it gives you a better way of learning and a better way for experience. But what I believe companies and employers don't understand is that they should hire new graduates because they have all that knowledge which is there waiting to be used, fresh new knowledge. If they hire people with more experience you could end up with old ideas and old knowledge, hiring new students gives companies opportunities to grow and expand their company, by making it more successful or efficient. 

When students aren't finding jobs they go back to school, thinking that it would land them a better job, leading them to spend much more money and still maybe no job. It's all about the experience these days. But why stick with old experience getting the new experience workers can lead to bigger ideas and better development.

Your in cable of your own actions. You decide what you want to do. Your in control of you. No one can tell you what to do and what not to do. They can only advise you on to the right path. Everything belongs to you, your decisions, your choices what you make your life to be. But the only one to get you started is YOU.

Everyone always asks me about my future and what I planning on doing in life. And then I choke up and don't know what to say. To be honest I hate that question. But I also know that it is time for me to plan my future but I feel like I don't wanna grow up yet. But eventually I had decided on what to do as my career choice, I decided to do something that interested me and made me want to keep on learning more and more. That is something in the medical field. I found that I love learning about the human body and what and how it gets affected. But I actually don't know exactly what in the medical field.

So when someone asks you want you want to do later in life, tell them. Because either they can help you or advise you on the right path. Even if its not the best of jobs but your going to do something you enjoy and love. If later you find out that it's not the right choice then there's always a choice to get back out there and explore more options.

This blog post is not generalizing that any of the situations that have occurred are more important than the others. All of these crimes are equally important and we all have our separate opinions to express. This blog is just giving the effects of situations in different countries affecting lives everywhere.

Crimes around the world affecting not just the ones in the country. By crimes I mean all types of illegal act. I realize that these are occurring more often. I don't know if people are rebelling or trying to make a point, causing worries to people in other countries who have family there or just for fun.

I honestly can't imagine how these people lives are being affected, in foreign countries having to their home because of danger. Being injured because of these crimes. It's probably the most emotional thing. For example the World Trade Center complex being brought down by planes that have been hijacked killing street passers, passengers on the airplane, and workers in the World Trade Center. Lives lost, families without a member grieving and mourning.

Have you wanted to go back or to your country? But can't. because of the crimes in the area. I feel the same way. I've been wanting to go back to Guyana but my dad says unless the thefts and killings get controlled. I want to see the way they use to live and what they experienced and see my family who've I've never seen yet. But because of the crime rate you are held back. Its sucks to be honest.

One recent incident that happened is the Boston bombing, I was watching the news yesterday and saw the two innocent kids were hurt. And they hadn't caused anything they were waiting at the finish line of the race that was happening and in a moment one of them died and the other little girl lost a leg. Their mother having serious head injuries. Like why, injure a family who was just there at the wrong time. I had also see graphic images of innocent people blood splattered on the pavement, see all that it moves you to question why does this have to happened? Same with the other bombings and terror around the world. Innocent lives lost.

Isn't there a part of you that says you wish you could stop all this? I know there is in me.
Wishing to stop all hate and crime in the world. Because its not right and never will be. There are others ways to solve problems than just involving violence. And this goes to all people, good or bad.

The second book of the Hunger Games. If you thought the Hunger Games was amazing, then Catching fire is going over expectations of a sequel.

The way the author Suzanne Collins described each of Katniss' feeling and thoughts in the Hunger Games, their even more amazing in Catching Fire, like when she describes each place and moment which Katniss witnesses I can actually picture in and witness it in my head. Suzanne Collins' word choice is outstanding, because they match the plot line.

I also adore the way she connects it back to the Hunger Games and makes connections with the current situation. Each page, paragraph or sentence you read intrigues you into reading more and more. Now I'm only at the beginning  but what I've read so far I'm really intrigue and always wanting to read more and more.

Suzanne Collins really shows her talent with these books. I'm honestly loving to read them probably the first series that I actually like. And actually hooks me in. I recommend you check it out if you haven't. It's really good!

To me this does not makes sense, the Royal Bank of Canada is replacing CANADIAN staff. Just to make higher income.

According to an article on CBC news, the workers are coming from India. This is against federal laws for any company to bring foreigners to do jobs temporarily while it puts citizens out of work.  When their are less jobs then Canadian citizens will have a hard time living. Meaning the income for the household of a family will not be enough which could lie some families in poverty.

I don't think it's fair for the peoples who jobs are being taken away have to train the temporary foreign staff. It was their job they were laid off why should they have to train them?  I guess the thing that is kind of ticking them off is that their losing their jobs to foreigners, and having to train them. Like what if they don't know good english then that communicating could be a problem which could be fustrating.It should be the companies problem not the ones who lost their jobs.

If they wanted to they could've cut pays but I still don't understamd their a bank they make billions of dollars a year why need to cut people? Those are people who lost their jobs were Canadian working in a Canadian business. Well they have already laid off people now that's many people without a job hows that going to help the economy? And most of all how is it going help a family who lost maybe their only income?

This year went by super fast but we're going to have another election soon and I'm going to get involved somehow so I can get some status points. One thing I accomplished was I got a food unit, but no power for my house which cause my tenant to move out. Again this year I had just observed but now I will be in a party or so I think. But I had never said anything because everything had been said but then theirs always more to say, it just never really came to mind. Some new goals for this year be involved, be in a party, and get all the necessities needed for what's left of my civic mirror family. Again this year went by fast I didn't even realize it but I guess I just have to adjust. 
To be totally, completely honest this literacy test is dumb. Seriously why do I have to write a test to know from the government if I'm literate?

If I can read and write why do I need to prove it in order to get my high school certificate? I don' t think its worth it because its not. I think I should...... actually I know I should get my certificate because I've been in my classes and doing the work, now you might say well those who don't go to class and are not doing work they should write it? Well no those who don't go to class and don't do work doesn't mean their 'illiterate' it just means their lazy.

Now why do they have to waste so much paper to tell us if we are literate, I'm pretty sure we have common sense. Wasting all that paper, every school in Ontario. Which is probably more than 10,000 student plus the ones who had fail it. If you think about that's a lot of paper and trees. If your for the environment you'd think it's not worth it.

Finally, my last point that I'll argue is they'll put questions that seem easy but they have the smallest of errors like a multiple choice which sentence is correct and the only error is a little comma! Seriously if we don't notice a comma or right punctuation we are not literate.

In general I'm saying this test is clearly not worth it. All of our classes include reading and writing, why do we need a test to tell us whether we can or not.