What does coming home mean? Everyone could have different opinions on this one topic, two simple words creating such a huge topic. You might think what's so important about these words, well just think about because something simple can be so complex. My opinion on coming home is someone returning after a long time and sharing the happiness of returning with their family.

Even I've had that feeling when I go to New York after 4 months it feels like I'm going home because I have my grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins there. Even though its not my actually home they make it feel like home with all the warmth they give every time I go. Plus all my cousins there are younger than me so that just makes it even more fun.

Everyone has a different view on coming home. But that was my experience with coming home maybe yours are different like going to another part of the earth and visiting your love ones. Or just going back to your home land and remembering all those memories. Coming home .

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