This blog post is not generalizing that any of the situations that have occurred are more important than the others. All of these crimes are equally important and we all have our separate opinions to express. This blog is just giving the effects of situations in different countries affecting lives everywhere.

Crimes around the world affecting not just the ones in the country. By crimes I mean all types of illegal act. I realize that these are occurring more often. I don't know if people are rebelling or trying to make a point, causing worries to people in other countries who have family there or just for fun.

I honestly can't imagine how these people lives are being affected, in foreign countries having to their home because of danger. Being injured because of these crimes. It's probably the most emotional thing. For example the World Trade Center complex being brought down by planes that have been hijacked killing street passers, passengers on the airplane, and workers in the World Trade Center. Lives lost, families without a member grieving and mourning.

Have you wanted to go back or to your country? But can't. because of the crimes in the area. I feel the same way. I've been wanting to go back to Guyana but my dad says unless the thefts and killings get controlled. I want to see the way they use to live and what they experienced and see my family who've I've never seen yet. But because of the crime rate you are held back. Its sucks to be honest.

One recent incident that happened is the Boston bombing, I was watching the news yesterday and saw the two innocent kids were hurt. And they hadn't caused anything they were waiting at the finish line of the race that was happening and in a moment one of them died and the other little girl lost a leg. Their mother having serious head injuries. Like why, injure a family who was just there at the wrong time. I had also see graphic images of innocent people blood splattered on the pavement, see all that it moves you to question why does this have to happened? Same with the other bombings and terror around the world. Innocent lives lost.

Isn't there a part of you that says you wish you could stop all this? I know there is in me.
Wishing to stop all hate and crime in the world. Because its not right and never will be. There are others ways to solve problems than just involving violence. And this goes to all people, good or bad.

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