The Holocaust. One of the worst times in history, 6 MILLION Jewish people were killed for no reason. So today we had a guest speaker come in and talk to us. It was one of the survivors of the Holocaust Dr Eva Olsen. Sh was only in her teen years going into adulthood when she endured this tragedy. Now she talk about the whole thing but I was most emotional when she said she had lost her parents that just told me that never take them for granted and never be angry at them because they know whats good for yourself. But what really made me cry was she said "I just wished to hug my mother once and tell her I love her and I'm sorry for disobeying her" (Disobeying meaning getting angry or upset for example them not letting you go out with friends) This really made me emotional. I was so into the presentation that I didn't even realize I was tearing up. Then she went through more slides of shoes, corpses being dozered. As I saw I realized how good I had life that no one was going harm me for my religion or culture, although in some parts of the world it still happens. Coming out of that assembly was like I have a goal and that's to live every day and don't let anything bring me down, you be a happy person and give respect in order to receive it.
Unknown Person
2/26/2013 12:20:56 pm

Hi Naomi, i was at the assembly too..what you wrote was very touching, i had also teared up at the point when she talked about her parents. Sometimes i wish i could just STOP all the hate and make peace, but i know i can't.. why is there so much hate in the world?..i wonder everyday.


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