Around the world there aren't just different countries but within those countries, the people, the ways of life, the identities, and much more. In Canada we have our maple syrup, and celebrating Canada day. But also we are a multicultural country meaning we have people from around the world like from China, the Middle East, Africa, India, Brazil and many more. Just like how those countries have their cultural celebrations most of them are some how celebrated in Canada.
    Cultures are like a part of your identity, of who you are. Like me I'm Guyanese originated from India, so my culture is based on Indian culture but we've made it unique. Or so I'd say. No culture is different, yet almost none are the same. SO many similarities and differences yet putting someone down because of it, is wrong your going to put them down because of their culture. That's not right. We are all unique in our own way and being original is good because not only are you different but you can teach others about your culture or religion or whatever is unique about where you came from.

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