Wow, everyone did an amazing job, and went above the expectations! Coming up with creative topics to talk about amazing. Very descriptive, and nice uses of personification. The stories that were developed and told in such ways which we could all find some relation maybe in ourselves or in others. Three poems that really stuck out to me were was Kim's: She, Nathans, and Nasir and Tyler's.
Kim's poem title she was very descriptive and told a story of a girl whose broken, lost all of what she had. Super interesting. The way it was presented with so much power in her voice, to emphasis the poem making it have a strong effect.
Nathan's poem is also very good because it gives a scenario  about a girl who gets blamed for her parents split up and his general idea was basically watch what you say because when you do, it effects that person more than it may seem. He added some personal feeling to it which made it more deep.
Finally the last poem I that really stuck out to me was Nasir and Tyler's their poem was very interesting with an action story. Well told, well written and great use of vocabulary all made it seem to somehow drag me in and want to listen for more.
All in all, everyone's poems were well done, passing the expectations I had. So lets just say they showed how it's done. GREAT JOB EVERYONE!!

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