Do you have that one thing that you are excited about, that you think you could pursue as a career choice? Ambition. That burning aspire to do what makes you feel accomplished. We all have it, I know I do but if you think about most of us are afraid of doing it because what if people laugh and makes fun, I think they call it self conscienous. We all are I guess thats just how we are always think of what others would think. But really the only one that should care would be YOU!  Because you do what you love to do. I mean I was scared to dance but then I realized that would have never been not scared if I hadn't just done it (by done it I mean I performed for the Christmas assembly.) If I had not done it then I would still be scared to. But when I did I realized I had fun and people really enjoyed it. So I guess it goes to show that we need to believe in ourselves and in what we do meaning having that self esteem.
    Around the world there aren't just different countries but within those countries, the people, the ways of life, the identities, and much more. In Canada we have our maple syrup, and celebrating Canada day. But also we are a multicultural country meaning we have people from around the world like from China, the Middle East, Africa, India, Brazil and many more. Just like how those countries have their cultural celebrations most of them are some how celebrated in Canada.
    Cultures are like a part of your identity, of who you are. Like me I'm Guyanese originated from India, so my culture is based on Indian culture but we've made it unique. Or so I'd say. No culture is different, yet almost none are the same. SO many similarities and differences yet putting someone down because of it, is wrong your going to put them down because of their culture. That's not right. We are all unique in our own way and being original is good because not only are you different but you can teach others about your culture or religion or whatever is unique about where you came from.

The Holocaust. One of the worst times in history, 6 MILLION Jewish people were killed for no reason. So today we had a guest speaker come in and talk to us. It was one of the survivors of the Holocaust Dr Eva Olsen. Sh was only in her teen years going into adulthood when she endured this tragedy. Now she talk about the whole thing but I was most emotional when she said she had lost her parents that just told me that never take them for granted and never be angry at them because they know whats good for yourself. But what really made me cry was she said "I just wished to hug my mother once and tell her I love her and I'm sorry for disobeying her" (Disobeying meaning getting angry or upset for example them not letting you go out with friends) This really made me emotional. I was so into the presentation that I didn't even realize I was tearing up. Then she went through more slides of shoes, corpses being dozered. As I saw I realized how good I had life that no one was going harm me for my religion or culture, although in some parts of the world it still happens. Coming out of that assembly was like I have a goal and that's to live every day and don't let anything bring me down, you be a happy person and give respect in order to receive it.
It could start with one inspirational commercial or a family/friend who may be affected by a illness that life lasting. For me, it was my cousin who is in Grade 12 and has been dealing with an illness called Muscular Dystrophy, he was diagnosed I believe at age 5, and has been living with it since. The whole family is affected because we care about him so much,  me and my other cousins and family members have been raising money since the walk for Muscular Dystrophy started in Ontario. A different thing this year is that my cousin who has been affected is the AMBASSADOR!! Which is so cool. AND our team is huge like 20+ people because we have newcomers every year. Plus we want to spread the awareness so it reaches as much people as we can so then we can raise even more to help support others who need things to help with the illness and help with research. I love fundraising for something its seems like a blessing to do. I love to help people in need because I feel we should all be equal no matter what our needs are. 
A discussion starts with just something read off of a shirt. "Cool story babe. Now go make me a sandwich." At first it was funny then you think about it and it leads to many other ideas such as sexism, rights, and other issues. We started this discussion yesterday and today we had watched a Ted Talk video where a women was talk about where women stand in society and what they can do to show that their not underdogs and we watched another video where a man was was sharing things about demise men.  Then we shared our opinions about them on twitter to the #ffpchci and there were some great points, having really good learning discussions. But then the discussion came back face to face, where we really understood opinions, arguments, and understanding. So really everything you talk about leads to everything and ends up together.